24 Tools, Tips, and Scripts for Finding More Listings

Low housing inventory persists as one of real estate’s greatest obstacles, throttling transaction volumes industry-wide. But opportunities exist for savvy, tech-enabled agents who run smart outbound campaigns attracting potential sellers.

This comprehensive playbook collects 40 proven listing tools, online/offline prospecting strategies, and script templates leveraging next-gen predictive analytics.

Part 1: Essential Tech Solutions

1. PropertyPulse.AI

The leading real estate proptech solution harnessing AI and machine learning to reveal future motivated sellers scientifically based on financial hardship triggers, local market patterns, employment signals and more.

Engage matched homeowners now with listing consultations to build relationships and earn future mandates. Integrates with all CRMs.

2. Broadcast Voicemail Tools

Scalable calling solutions like Slybroadcast enable instantly outreaching entire farm neighborhoods at once with engaging value-driven messages.

3. Email Automation Platforms

Seamlessly personalized nurture sequences keep you top of mind until sellers list via campaign builders like Mailchimp.com and constantcontact.com.

4. Referral Exchange Networks

Closed loop referral alliances with proven partners in complementary service niches — title, legal, finance etc — sustain lead reliability.

5. Local Community Site Builder

Hyperlocal hub Parkbench spotlights specialization and partnerships for affinity and recommendations. Limit one agent per area.

6. CRM with Automated Follow-Ups

Keep leads warm across channels with timed, customizable nurture sequences from solutions like Follow-Up Boss and Top Producer.

7. Analytics To Spot Listing Potential

Customizable filtering visualizes future marketability via criteria like hardship triggers.

Part 2: Digital Prospecting Strategies

8. Targeted Social Media Paid Ads

Geo-fenced Facebook and Instagram promotions focused on likely seller demographics and interests in a hyperlocal context.

9. Optimized Website Content

Refresh imagery, Calls-To-Action and architecture annually ensuring mobile responsiveness and site speed.

10. Evergreen Niche Property Blog

Attract organic search traffic by publishing focused guides on specialized listing types – land, luxury, green buildings etc.

11. YouTube Video Series

Position expertise around neighborhood insights, localized investor tips and market trend explainers to social proof capability.

12. Location-Based Online Display Ads

Programmatic ad buys displaying your promotions across frequently visited local publisher sites.

13. Targeted Landing Page Campaigns

Lead capture pages focused on selling equity gains, tapping home values or promising local relocation support.

14. Curated Hyperlocal Email Newsletters

Regular community updates mixing lifestyle and real estate advice to demonstrate embedded market commitment.

Part 3: Offline Prospecting Tactics

15. Handwritten Notes for Second Chance Opportunities

Thoughtful outreach to expired listings, inherited properties or former sphere connections expressing your services.

16. Printed Targeted Direct Mail Pieces

Eye-catching creative aligned to seller interests sent in planned nurture sequences for ongoing visibility.

17. Door Hangers for Just-Sold Homes

Informative pieces with QR codes to neighborhood comps and market analyses make housewarming introductions to new owners.

18. Recorded Broadcast Voicemail Drops

Personalized messages to entire farm areas regarding upcoming local events or open houses invites curiosity and engagement.

19. Open House Marketing Material

Promote schedules via printed invites with eye-catching visuals to farms and specialized demographics like empty nesters.

20. Referral Request Packets

Share professional partner ecosystem and concierge preparation checklists to sphere promising reciprocal connections.

21. Luxury Intro Scratch Off Cards

For affluent neighborhoods, send intriguing teaser mailers alluding to specialized service offerings revealed by scratching.

22. Community Event Sponsorship

Align with causes and organizations matching brand values for goodwill community affiliation.

23. Printed Quarterly Market Updates

Local analysis and future forecasts send to SOI and sphere despite inactive status to sustain top-of-mind familiarity.

24. Developer Discussion Event Invites

Host intimate new build project showcases highlighting ideal buyer targeting when units pre-sell to generate referral opportunities.

Part 4: Specialized Scripts and Objection Handlers

Expired Listing Value Proposition Script

“I know trying to sell a home without the right agent can be challenging. When properties expire, it’s rarely about condition or price, just positioning and strategy. I leverage proprietary analytics for pricing and have helped dozens of expired listings find buyers fast once repriced correctly. If you’re considering relisting, I’d be happy to stop by and share specialized value optimization approaches guaranteed to get your home sold.”

Overcoming Reluctance Around Current Rates Objection Handler

“I realize higher rates create hesitation around selling and rebuying. But remember, while 7% mortgage rates seem high historically, your next home’s sale price factors when calculating long-term costs via breakeven horizons. With correct planning, we can time the transition across both transactions to minimize financial impacts amidst suboptimal environments.”

Inherited Property Outreach Script

“Sorry for your loss. Losing a loved one brings enough hardship without home sales compounding the burden. I assist numerous area families gracefully transitioning inherited properties, combining compassion with transaction proficiency so you receive full value relieved of tax implications. Please let me know how I can help ease the process during this challenging time.”

Combating Demand/Inventory Imbalance Objection Handler

“Inventory shortages definitely remain frustrating presently. But creative positioning and pre-market preparation helps properties sell despite scarce options. My background in home staging and digital advertising means implementing proven attraction strategies so the right buyers eagerly compete for your listing when ready.”

Delicate Divorce Listing Opportunity Script

“This situation obviously involves sensitive personal factors beyond real estate I cannot fully appreciate. Please know I help numerous area families needing graceful, compassionate sales facilitating cooperative transitions respecting all parties through process familiarity and discretion.”

Sphere Of Influence Referral Request Script

“As someone I trust and admire in this community, I wanted to reach out regarding an exclusive buyer inventory resource I now leverage to persistent inventory constraints. I’ve seen you support local causes and business partners creatively before, so hoped you might connect me with any known transferees needing area representation so I can provide specialized relocation familiarity while ensuring smooth moves.”

Combating Reluctance Around Current Unpredictability Objection Handler

“Shifting conditions cause understandable sales reluctance. But markets perpetually evolve and March 2023 may look better. Let’s connect quarterly to reevaluate strategies as indicators change. With savvy planning, we can likely improve equity positions, timing and aftermath before then as buyer competition ebbs.”

The key to lead generation success despite stubbornly low housing supply remains aggressively expanding pipeline sources through multifaceted visibility. This extensive toolkit containing 40 property search filters, online outreach tactics, offline promotion techniques and tailored scripting examples powered by PropertyPulse.AI’s predictive analytics provides a framework to earn inventory even when conventional approaches falter.

Here is a detailed plan from a real estate advertising agency on executing this 40 step listing generation guide for a real estate agent client including emails, outreach triggers, and campaign execution strategies:

Here is the Execution Strategies:

Pre-Market Prospect Identification

Leverage PropertyPulse.AI to uncover future sellers based on proprietary algorithms assessing financial hardships, local price trajectory, macro-employment shifts and more.

Automated triggers will alert for timely follow-up when high potential sellers surface. Sync with existing CRM to track engagement across channels.

Hyperlocal Content Production

Launch recurring neighborhood video series on YouTube answering FAQs from area buyers and sellers to demonstrate granular market expertise.

Feature local businesses in videos and nurture affiliate partnerships for co-marketing.

Direct Mail Nurture Series

Design 12-month direct mail nurture track with touchpoints every 6 weeks including market updates, neighborhood newsletters, holiday cards etc.

Print materials focus on community affiliation more than promotion. Handwritten personal notes accompany key touchpoints.

SOI Referral Networking

Host casual referral exchange happy hours for current sphere connections alongside respected finance/legal partners to broaden networks.

Follow up gatherings by sharing trusted contact info and services across ecosystems to drive reciprocal flow.

Expired Listing Remarketing

Upload expired listing data into CRM and tag for timed nurture sequence using broadcast voicemails, customized listing pamphlets, area comps data.

Message focus: specialized value optimization systems to reprice and sell faster based on predictive analytics.

Omnichannel Lead Engagement

Calls/texts triggered when past contacts exhibit buyer behaviors on website.

Immediate outbound communication supplements automated email/direct mail nurtures sustain top-of-mind presence.

Exclusive Access to PropertyPulse Pro:

To ensure that its cutting-edge tools and resources are available only to the most dedicated professionals, PropertyPulse Pro offers exclusive access to certain agents. This selectivity ensures that the platform’s powerful AI assistance and big data capabilities are used to their full potential, benefiting both agents and their clients.

Additional Services

Take Your Marketing Even Further
Magazine-Quality Photos
Virtual Staging
Magazine-Quality Photos
Magazine-Quality Photos
Style Guide Video
Virtual Open House
Virtual Open House
Listing Syndication Solutions
Listing Syndication
Listing3D Exclusive
Listing3D Exclusive
Listing Marketing Solutions
Listing Marketing

Additional Features at no cost

Part of any package
Snap Feature
Snap Feature
Advance Analytics
Advance Analytics
Facebook ADs
Facebook ADs
3D Flyer
3D Flyer
Landing Page
Landing Page
Instagram Templates
Instagram Templates


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